I want to remember...
- the constant movement and energy at this age. Avi is walking and climbing everywhere (especially on the couch and slide we moved in for our first snow storm of the year).
- how determined she is and how she will approach a problem multiple ways to try and solve it.
- the words she only says in repetition e.g. "no, no, no" or "YUMMY, YUMMY, YUMMY."
- after a burst of energy, how she will crawl into my lap and lie her head against my chest.
- her love of the books Nelly Gnu and Daddy Too and We Sang You Home and how she wants to read them every night before she goes to sleep and, you know, multiple times throughout the day as well.
- that she's beginning to enjoy some outings like to the pumpkin patch, parks further away and even the zoo!
- the way she waves her arm when we dance with her.
- her love of berries, trucks, cars, and planes.
- trips to the park down the street, walking through the crunchy leaves and how she signs more when she reaches the bottom of the slide.
- how she climbs into her toddler tower to watch us cook and play with the water in the sink.
- how she walks unevenly but with lots of confidence.
- the way she lights up when I come from home.
- how often she giggles and laughs at this stage.
I'm sure there's more I'm forgetting, but I'm grateful for all the joy, energy, and love she brings into our life.
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