Photos from a recent adventure |
I just started listening to Tranquility by Tuesday by Laura Vanderkam, and one of the ideas she mentioned was planning 2 adventures each week: one big and one small. As I was listening to her describe the rule, I thought about what I had planned this week and realized that I had a few adventures planned without thinking of them in that way. It really helped shift my mindset to realize that I do have some fun and novel things planned, and I'm curious to experiment with adding this to the routine, particularly as we are settling into a new city. I feel like I've plateaued a bit the last few weeks even though things are finally starting to feel settled down. I hit a point where I missed our Colorado friends and my old job, even if I feel like this move and taking time to be at home is right for us in the long run. Thinking through new adventures in this new phase of life is a way to balance some of this feeling of discomfort that always accompanies big changes.
My big adventure this week was going on a (toddler) long hike to a new spot with some new friends. The hike culminated in a stream and there was something so magical about splashing in the creek with Avi and our friends, and seeing her climb on to stumps and logs and jump off. We saw deer, hawks, woodpeckers, and lizards. There were definitely lots of hard moments of Avi not wanting to walk or being too tired, but overall I would rate it a successful adventure to explore somewhere new and see how capable she really was.
My smaller adventure this week will be to check out a book club organized by a local bookstore. Joel and I went into the store last week, and I heard the owner discussing it, so I'm looking forward to chatting books with some new people. Is anyone else drawn to the idea of two weekly adventures? If so, what are some recent adventures of yours?
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