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Currently August



*Enjoying settling in to our new home! After moving across the country and knowing for about a year that a move was likely, it's a relief to be able to settle in and have things feel less up in the air. I love how light and bright the space is and lots of cool features and quirks of living in a 100-year-old house.

*Embracing novelty and discovering new things in San Diego. It's a significantly bigger city than where we were in Colorado, so it's been great exploring new restaurants, museums, parks, beaches etc. 

*Struggling to get into a good routine, particularly around bedtimes and nap time for Avi. Moving twice in two months has been a lot for all of us, and I'm trying to remember that it will take time to feel settled again. The lack of predictable routine (and time to myself) has made some of the days feel particularly long recently. 

*Feeling ambivalent about working vs. staying home. For the first time in nearly a decade, I am not returning to the classroom. It felt like one to many transitions this year to start work at a new school, and I am really grateful for the extra time at home with Avi and getting to nerd-out on Montessori and early childhood learning. That said, I'm noticing that I'm feeling guilt for not working or worry that I should be doing more right now.  I'm trying to sit with the feeling without impulsively readjusting everything. I know that I don't feel the same judgement towards other stay-at-home parents that I do towards myself, and I'm also guessing part of this is just adjusting to the back-to-school season away from a school community and job I really enjoyed. 

*Listening to Kate Bush and The Head and the Heart (especially after going to their concert earlier this week). Also listening to all the Music Together cd on repeat with Avi and melting a bit each time I see her paging through the songbook and singing along. 

* Walking around our new neighborhood and to the park and library just about every day.

*Shopping at Trader Joe's again and obsessed with the veggie soba stir fry. 

*Reading books like: Wahala (loved but the ending was a bit off the rails), The Best We Can Do, and rereading Pride and Prejudice. 

*Appreciating being an hour away from so many family members and reconnecting with friends who live in the area. 

*Looking ahead to feeling more at home each week here and building many more memories in this new place. 


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