I'm still curious about exactly why I am writing this blog. Is it a book review blog? A parenting blog? A general personal blog? Who do I want to share it with? But the more I write, the more I think that maybe this blog is serving as my own personal compendium.
When I was a sophomore in college, I took a creative writing course. I forget the exact title of the course, but it was something along the lines of reading as writers. Each week we read a different novel and examined how exactly the writer told a story. An ongoing assignment in the course was to create a compendium. The compendium was a place to record lines that stood out to us, quotes we wanted to remember, or moments of beauty in each novel. It was essentially our personal collection of writing we encountered throughout the course; it was the bits from each novel we wanted to hold on to.
Having this space allows me a compendium for various ideas, quotes, or memories in this stage of my life where I am not primarily a student, and it's easy for things to cross my mind and then fade away. I now find that as I go about my day I get more ideas that I want to add to this blog, or as I'm reading a line will jump out at me, and I'll think I want to add that idea to this space. For now, I think that's my goal with eye to wonder: to have a place to collect thoughts and to have a reason to create and reflect.
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