Our family celebrated Rosh Hashanah this month. This year, we had a smaller celebration than usual, but it was nice to gather with friends outside, light candles, and wish each other a sweet New Year with apples and honey. I didn't grow up celebrating Jewish New Year, but since Joel and I have been together, we've celebrated most Jewish holidays. One aspect of the holiday that was new to me this year was Tashlikh. Joel mentioned that he wanted to bring bread to the river for Tashlikh when we went for a walk the other day with my mother and sister-in-law. Tashlikh, is a ritual where you throw bread crumbs into a moving body of water. As far as I understand it, each crumb represents casting off a sin from the previous year and a clean start. Although neither of us are very religious, tashlikh was more meaningful to me than I would have thought. There's something about taking time to reflect on moments in the past year when y...
Book Lover. Teacher. First Time Mom. Forever Curious.